A trauma-informed guide to kink, power exchange, and roleplay. By exploring best practices from tabletop roleplaying and RACK (risk-aware consensual kink), we can learn how to deepen our appreciation for social games and safer practice at the table - and in the bedroom. (3 Prerecorded Video Lessons + 1 Q&A Credit ; $155 Value)
Domming the Table
(& Other DMing Skills)
What can Dungeon Masters learn from Dungeon Masters? Well… a lot! This introductory workshop will explain the basic principles of safe and responsible power exchange from a trauma-informed perspective, whether it’s in the bedroom or at the roleplaying table. Even if you’ve never tried either one, learning best practices from both of these social games can teach us a lot about how to have safer, more pleasurable experiences of sexual and non-sexual play.
Your Kinky Character Sheet
Using principles and mechanics from tabletop gaming, this interactive and dynamic session will guide you step-by-step through creating a personalized “erotic character sheet,” weaving together your values, desires, boundaries, fantasies - both in and out of the bedroom. Learn how to integrate pleasure-based practices customized to your particular needs with a new, playful vocabulary for expressing your authentic self.
Internal Party Systems
On the surface, tabletop roleplaying games and evidence-based psychotherapy methods may not seem to have much in common - but in fact, they're far more alike than you think. In this beginner-friendly workshop, take a crash course in the basics of Internal Family Systems, and explore a kink-informed approach to (erotic and non-erotic) roleplay as self-therapy and tool for psychosocial wellness.
Hi! I’m Haylin Belay. I’m a trauma-informed health educator, sexuality expert, bodyworker, pleasure witch, and forever DM (by choice!). I’ve been teaching for nearly a decade, and DMing for around three years, although my history with roleplaying games stretches back to forum and journal-based RPGs in the early 00s.
I believe that all people deserve an integrated life and the healthy pursuit of pleasure. I help people live more pleasurable lives through psychoeducation (like this!), somatic self-bodywork, private/custom workshops, and one-on-one mentorship. If you’d like to learn more about what I do (and stay up to date on what I’m doing) be sure to subscribe to my newsletter before you go.